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Coronavirus and Criminal Courts

Coronavirus and Criminal CourtsAs this tragic pandemic attempts to take over our nation most Municipal, State and Federal Courts across the United States are temporarily closed for business. They are closed, at least temporarily, except for emergency and other “special” matters. As a result, those arrested and facing criminal charges during this time of national concern are at risk. We all should recognize that those who are incarcerated post-conviction and, even those who are in jails or holding facilities for pending cases where there has not been a determination of guilt, face the real risk of infection of the deadly coronavirus. Jails, holding facilities and prisons are, by design, confined places where crowding (and overcrowding occur). These places can become septic cesspools where infection can readily occur. It is important to remember that, in our country, those convicted of crimes and where confinement is ordered were not sentenced to face a major health and safety risk. Neither were those individuals who are held in custody and not released during the pendency of their case. These men and women face unimaginable consequences of their potentially temporary detainment. Remember that before this pandemic occurred the whole concept behind our outdated monetary bond system was heavily scrutinized. The whole idea behind requiring citizens to obtain large sums of money to pay the court to be free, or to pay a bondsman their percentage of a huge chunk of money (which they get to keep), seems draconian. The Federal courts throughout the United States infrequently utilize a cash requirement for bond, yet states including Kansas continue to require this. So imagine you are charged with a crime, the Judge sets the bond at a dollar amount you can’t afford because you lost your job due to the economy tanking, then you’re kept in a holding facility until your guilt or lack of guilt is determine months later, and you are all the while forced to be held with others in conditions where the opposite of “social distancing” is required. Good luck. Contact John Kerns and the team of attorneys at Mack & Associates at 888-506-7029 or www.criminaldefensekansas.com to contact an attorney providing comprehensive criminal defense representation throughout Kansas including Topeka, Lawrence, Leavenworth, and the Kansas City Metropolitan Area.


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