child custody lawyer in Topeka
Custody & Child Support Family Law Services
Securing custody or child support can be a stressful, painful experience for parents. You need an advocate who understands your situation and is prepared to guide you through the process and also advocate for you and your family. In order to work through your family law matter, a child custody lawyer is imperative.

Get Started
Getting Started With Mack & Associates, LLC
Whether it is custody, child support, parenting time, or other issues, the Mack & Associates, LLC team of attorneys can help you. We understand the depth of social and emotional ties inherent in family law. We work to create a client-attorney relationship that is approachable, informative, and constructive for you.
About Us
Meet Mack & Associates, LLC
Mack & Associates, LLC is a Kansas law firm serving Topeka and neighboring communities. Our attorneys and support staff use our experience in family law to advocate for clients seeking custody and child support legal services in Topeka, KS. Our process reflects our values: responsiveness, efficiency, and a personalized approach for each and every client.

How It Works
Meet With a Mack & Associates, LLC Attorney
We offer complimentary consultations for prospective clients. During this meeting, you will meet with a child custody lawyer in Topeka to discuss your particular case so that we can gain a perspective of your needs. We use this information and find options that best suit the needs of you and your child or children.
Working With Us
When you work with our firm, our attorneys and staff treat you as more than a case number. We will tailor our services for you and work hard to keep you informed and at ease while working with us.
Should I get an attorney for child custody?
Yes! While it is reasonable for clients to represent themselves in some areas of the law, child custody is not one.
Who pays attorney fees in child custody cases?
The general rule is that each party, or parent, pays their own legal fees. However, under some circumstances the Court may order that the other parent pay some or all of your legal fees.
What is the difference between legal custody and residential custody?
Legal custody involves decision making of “big ticket” issues such as which school a child will attend or whether the child will have surgery.
Residential custody involves physical custody of the child. Residential custody typically refers to which home the child spends the majority of time at.
Can my child decide who he or she wants to live with?
The short answer is no. While there is a misconception that children 14 years of age and older can tell the Court which parent they wish to reside with, most Judges will not place substantial emphasis on a child’s wishes. This is not due to Judges not caring about a child’s wishes or feelings, but more of a recognition of the complexity of factors involved. The most common avenue for a child to express their wishes is through a Guardian ad Litem or a Child Custody Investigator.
Can we, as the parents, agree that child support will not be paid?
In short, the answer is no. The general rule is that child support is the right of a child, and therefore cannot be waived by a parent. However, there are avenues to achieve this outcome by putting a plan in place for the Court to approve.
Get Guidance for Custody and Child Support
Find out more information about your custody or child support matter by using our “Do I have a case?” tool. A Mack & Associates, LLC child custody lawyer in Topeka will assess your circumstances and determine options for you.