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Getting Started With Mack & Associates, LLC

It is important to act quickly; a foreclosure attorney near you at Mack & Associates, LLC can guide you through this stressful process.

About Us

Meet Mack & Associates, LLC

Mack & Associates, LLC is a firm of Kansas attorneys dedicated to advocating for financially vulnerable clients in Topeka and surrounding Eastern Kansas communities. We have extensive experience in foreclosures and bankruptcy law as a whole. We value responsiveness, efficiency, and creating a personalized experience for everyone.

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About Foreclosure

A foreclosure occurs through a secured debt mortgage. This means that when the mortgage and note were agreed upon, it was understood that the borrower would allow the bank to take back the house if the mortgage went unpaid. This made it a secure investment for the bank to provide the loan.

One of the most challenging aspects about foreclosure is that you likely will still be responsible for paying the deficiency if your house is taken away. Because of this, many of our clients come to us seeking to find a solution to avoid a finalized foreclosure.


How to Stop Foreclosure Through Bankruptcy

At Mack & Associates, LLC we analyze your individual circumstances to determine the best course of action for you. Depending on the stage of the foreclosure process, it may be possible to stop the foreclosure through legal action. You must move quickly on this issue; there is a limited amount of time to create a bankruptcy plan to save your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find a Foreclosure Solution for You

For more information on stopping a foreclosure, use our “Do I have a case?” tool. A Mack & Associates, LLC foreclosure attorney near you can assess your situation and determine the best solution for you.

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